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How to Care Guide for Peppered Cory Catfish

The Peppered Cory Catfish is a medium sized catfish known as Corydoras paleatus which inhabits rivers throughout South America. Because they are so popular among freshwater aquarium hobbyists, their natural habitat has become more and more restricted by the day which has caused their numbers to decline rapidly in some areas where they were once common. Luckily captive breeding efforts have begun to help this situation but wild caught specimens are still occasionally offered for sale by pet shops who import them from countries like Peru, Columbia or Brazil.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Characteristics:

The peppered cory catfish is a very attractive and active freshwater aquarium fish with a slender, torpedo-shaped body. It’s characterized by golden yellow markings on the head and back that resemble leopard spots as well as a pale cream colored belly. The dorsal fin is clear to translucent yellow, distinguishing it from its more common cousin C . pygmaeus (pygmy cory) which has blackish fins. If kept in low lighting or poor water conditions these markings will fade slightly, but they are not required to enjoy healthy long lives.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Origin:

This species of Corydoras hails from the Amazon river basin in South America where it inhabits slow-moving blackwater and clearwater tributaries. They can be found in the soft, acidic waters of the Amazon where they feed at night on worms, insect larvae, crustaceans and plant matter that falls into the water.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Size:

In their native habitat these fish grow up to about 1 inch (2.54 cm) if left undisturbed by other organisms that would see them as prey such as dwarf cichlids and angelfish. However they will do fine in most community tanks up to 20 gallons provided there is ample cover for them to hide in among plants or driftwood so they feel safe enough to come out during the day time hours when most fish are sleeping.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Colors and Markings:

The peppered cory cat fish’s markings are its most prominent feature, distinguishing it from the more common pygmy cory whose coloring is usually solid dark gray to black with slightly yellowish tints. The marking pattern closely resembles that of leopards and was probably developed as an adaptation for camouflage in their swampy habitats where dense vegetation exists on the bottom. If they are kept in tanks with low light or water quality, their colors will fade slightly but this is not a sign of illness nor does it affect their overall health.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Tankmates:

Although they can sometimes successfully be housed with peaceful species like small gourami, bettas, dwarf cichlids, and livebearers (guppies), they should ideally be kept in a species-only aquarium or with other small peaceful bottom dwellers like the commonly seen flame tetras or hatchetfish.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Care:

This fish’s water conditions must be within the parameters of soft and acidic water where it is found in nature. They are sensitive to organic wastes so weekly partial water changes should keep them healthy as well as high quality diet which will not only help maintain their coloration but also give them plenty of energy for nocturnal activities like scavenging for left-over food at night. When first introduced into an aquarium they should be kept in a small group of at least four so they will feel more secure.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Lifespan:

The average life expectancy for peppered cory cat fish is between 5 and 7 years if properly cared for, but this can vary depending on who you ask or where you look online. Since they are no longer being commercially bred in large numbers, their price has risen quite a bit over the past few years and it does not seem to be going down anytime soon so large quantities of them are rarely seen for sale now. Some people claim that captive breeding is occurring in select locations though which could help bring these species’ prices back down and keep them available as pets.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Diet and Feeding:

In the wild they are known to feed off of small worms, insect larvae, crustaceans and plant matter that falls into the water. They have a fast metabolism which will require feeding them daily in small quantities 2-4 times per day if your tank does not offer other food sources for them like sinking pellets or flakes. Since they are nocturnal scavengers they are usually shy about coming out during the day but can be enticed at feeding time with partially used freeze dried tubifex worms or bloodworms. Some people have had luck feeding them live blackworms as well which can sometimes trigger a feeding frenzy among their timid group members so it is worth giving these a try once in a while.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Gender Differences:

There are no obvious external physical differences between males and females that can be used to tell them apart but females have been known to grow slightly larger than males in some cases.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Breeding:

The peppered cory cat fish is not currently being bred commercially for the aquarium trade so they must be either captured wild or acquired from fellow aquarists who may have had success breeding them at home which, unfortunately, is not very common among this species (or most small catfish species for that matter) in captivity. This should come as no surprise considering their popularity has greatly increased over the years due to their availability in pet stores and the fact they are generally very easy to care for, making them a perfect “introductory” fish if you will.

Peppered Cory Catfish Fish Aquarium Setup:

Since their water conditions must be as close as possible to where they live in nature, acidic soft water is the ideal choice which can usually be achieved by using driftwood and/or peat filtration combined with crushed oyster shells (calcium carbonate). They need plenty of hiding places so leaf litter and other heavy vegetation should also be used along with dim lighting. This species enjoys spending time both near the bottom as well as among mid-level plants when kept in larger aquariums but should have space to move away from any bright lighting if they prefer to rest somewhere darker. They do not require strong currents in order to stay healthy but can be included in the tank fairly easily since they are relatively peaceful and will make good tankmates with most fish species that do not require higher water temperatures or very soft water. Peppered cory catfish do best when kept in groups of at least 6-10 individuals so you should have a minimum sized aquarium of 30 gallons or more if you plan on keeping them in your home.

See more care Cory Catfish of Mem Fish:


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Material / Tank Capacity of a tank (Liters) = Length (cm) * Width (cm) * Height (cm) / 1000 Volume of the soil (Kg): Width (cm) x Length (cm) x Height (from the ground, from 10 to 15 cm) / 1000 Real water volume = Volume of the aquarium – Volume of the soil – Volume of the decorations (to be evaluated …) Number of plants (estimate for a well planted tank ) = (L x W ) / 50 Maximum number of large fish (in cm of adult size fish) = Volume (Liters) / 2 Total weight = Estimation of the weight of the aquarium, water, decorations, gallery and equipment. Water heater The minimum power of the water heater is given by the formula: P = 2 * F * A * dt P = minimum power required in watts (it is prudent to add 50% to 100% to this value); A = total area of ​​the panes with heat loss in dm2 (the bottom and the water surface are neglected, unless the aquarium is open); F = thermal insulation factor: from 0.03 (good insulation) to 0.06 (poor insulation); dt = Difference in temp. in degrees